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Caring for our Ocean


Through our association with Sydney Fish Markets, Yamba Wild supports Ocean Watch Australia, an organisation that works with the seafood industry and the community to ensure Australia’s marine environment is healthy, productive, valued and used in a responsible way.


Check it out here:


Environmental Call to Action

Ocean Watch Australia use donations to run practical programs that move the Australian Seafood Industry towards environmental sustainability by:

  • Working closely with the fishing industry to develop real and practical solutions which can reduce the negative impacts on fishing and marine ecosystems;

  • Protecting areas where fish live and the quality of the water they live in;

  • Restoring and improving the environment where fish live and upon which fishers survive.


Key Areas of Expenditure

Restoring damaged and degraded aquatic habitat areas;

Defending fish habitat through advocacy and education;

Working directly with fishers on environmental best practice responsible fishing.




Photo Credit: Cassie Matias.

Little River and Rebel II Trawlers, by the river in the heart of Yamba,
NSW Australia 2464 
Tel: 0499 026 641
Suite 56a Upper Level, Jones Bay Wharf
26-32 Pirrama Road, Pyrmont NSW 2009
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353 East Pty Ltd t/a Yamba Wild
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