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As fresh as you can get! Seafood that is wild-caught in NSW is the freshest possible supply for NSW consumers and restauranteurs. It's sustainably caught and has the shortest and most direct supply chain to tantalise the tastebuds of the most discerning NSW gourmet foodies.


Eastern King Prawns

Eastern King Prawns

Renowned for their moist,
medium-firm flesh and rich flavour.

Boasting a fresh aroma of the ocean, our king prawns can range in size up to 30cm. Their flavour is clean, brisk and lingers on your palette. King prawns have an iridescent blue colour on the tail when raw and cooked, along with pink/orange bands. They are the perfect “bucket of prawns” indulgence, served chilled with dipping sauces or can be battered, crumbed or used in a wide array of dishes. Available all year round, our king prawns are wild-caught, under sustainable fishing practices.

Scientific name: Penaeus Plebejus
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Eastern School Prawns

A distinct taste that is sweeter than that of most other prawns.

They are delicious eaten on their own or can be combined with other light, subtle flavours to complement their sweetness. School Prawns can grow to a total length of 13 - 16 cm. The Clarence River is renowned for being an ideal spawning habitat, influenced by environmental factors such as rainfall. Stock is classified as sustainable by NSW Fisheries.

Scientific name: Metapenaeus Macleayi

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Blue Swimmer Crab

​A mildly sweet flesh, a soft body and high meat-to-shell ratio.

Combining relatively low cost and excellent meat yield, they present excellent value for money. The crabs commonly weigh between 300 to 400 grams but can grow to over 1kg. They have distinctive flattened hind legs, used as paddles for swimming, as well as a blueish hue that covers their shells. They mature within a year and develop carapaces with widths up to 20cm. Stock is classified as sustainable by NSW Fisheries.

Scientific name: Portunus Armatus 
Alternative names: Flower Crab, Blue Crab, Blue Manna Crab, Sand Crab


Eastern School Whiting

Eastern school whiting is prized for its sweet, delicate flavour.

They are versatile fishes that can be prepared in several ways including steaming, baking, barbecuing and grilling, but most commonly, frying. The body is a pale sandy colour on top and silvery-white below, with diagonal lines of red spots on the upper sides. They grow up to 33 cm in length, although few are seen larger than 25cm. They can also weigh up to 200g. The stock is classified as sustainable by NSW fisheries.

Scientific name: Sillago Flindersi 

Alternative names: Bass Strait Whiting, Red Spot Whiting, School Whiting, Silver Whiting, Spotted Whiting, Transparent Whiting


Balmain Bug

Delicate and sweet flesh, making them perfect for the barbecue.

The Balmain Bug is a type of slipper lobster and is closely related to rock lobsters. It’s a popular, edible crustacean. The Balmain Bug has no pincers and uses its short, wide antennae to dig into sand and mud on the ocean floor in search of food. It lives in the ocean at depths of 20m - 500m. Our Balmain Bugs are sustainably caught.​

Scientific name: Ibacus Peronii

Alternative names: Flapjack, Slipper Lobster, Butterfly Fan Lobster



Eastern School Prawns
Blue Swimmer Crab
Eastern School Whiting
Balmain Bug
Little River and Rebel II Trawlers, by the river in the heart of Yamba,
NSW Australia 2464 
Tel: 0499 026 641
Suite 56a Upper Level, Jones Bay Wharf
26-32 Pirrama Road, Pyrmont NSW 2009
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353 East Pty Ltd t/a Yamba Wild
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