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Our Values



For us, it is being part of a special society, delivering valuable marine resources in the rawest of natural environments. 

We care about providence, source, freshness, healthy and smart choices. We are ethical, believe in quality and work for the benefit of the industry as a whole. We believe the NSW marine eco-system belongs to all the people of New South Wales and we are custodians with a privileged right to deliver these precious seafoods to the consumers of NSW and beyond. We are considered in our approach to the marine and land-based environments, the seafood industry and our individual purchasing decisions. We passionately believe that commercial fishing is a profession.


At Yamba Wild it is truly more than a job and far beyond the simple act of commercial trading in seafood. For us, it is being part of a special society, competently delivering valuable marine resources in the rawest of natural environments, behaving ethically and sustainably. 

Little River and Rebel II Trawlers, by the river in the heart of Yamba,
NSW Australia 2464 
Tel: 0499 026 641
Suite 56a Upper Level, Jones Bay Wharf
26-32 Pirrama Road, Pyrmont NSW 2009
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353 East Pty Ltd t/a Yamba Wild
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